About Us
Who We Are
CBC is a vibrant community where faith and compassion are as dynamic as you would like them to be! We’ve been a warm and gracious home to families and singles for over 50 years. We are a community made up of people from diverse backgrounds who hold a common belief: All of us are imperfect people who desire to serve a perfect God who loves us. We are committed to loving God and serving our neighbors.

Our vision is to cultivate community to boldly embrace God’s powerful love and purpose.
We do this through knowing God, growing together, and showing Christ… Upward, Inward, Outward.
Spiritual Growth at CBC
As we gather together for Sunday worship, we lift up our hearts to our Heavenly Father who loves us and who generously gives us lives filled with abundance and purpose. We also gather in small groups and other venues. The Christian life is a community project, as belonging often happens before believing.
Jesus works in our hearts as we pray, as we study the Scriptures, as we partake in the Sacraments. As we receive God’s love, our hearts are transformed, and we become more and more the humanity God created us to be. The Spiritual Life happens not just individually, but in and through our shared experience of the Holy Spirit’s comfort and leading us to spiritual maturity as we pray for, care for, and mentor one another.
The heart of the good news from the lips of Jesus Christ is “repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. This is what we call the gospel, the proclamation that Jesus doesn’t just save people to eternal life, but promises a New Heaven and a New Earth. The church is meant to work towards that end by helping others experience glimpses of the Kingdom through proclamation of the gospel, through works of mercy and care, and through bringing hope where hope is hard to find.
Spiritual Growth at CBC
As we gather together for Sunday worship, we lift up our hearts to our Heavenly Father who loves us and who generously gives us lives filled with abundance and purpose. We also gather in small groups and other venues. The Christian life is a community project, as belonging often happens before believing.
Jesus works in our hearts as we pray, as we study the Scriptures, as we partake in the Sacraments. As we receive God’s love, our hearts are transformed, and we become more and more the humanity God created us to be. The Spiritual Life happens not just individually, but in and through our shared experience of the Holy Spirit’s comfort and leading us to spiritual maturity as we pray for, care for, and mentor one another.
The heart of the good news from the lips of Jesus Christ is “repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. This is what we call the gospel, the proclamation that Jesus doesn’t just save people to eternal life, but promises a New Heavens and a New Earth. The church is meant to work towards that end by helping others experience glimpses of the Kingdom through proclamation of the gospel, through works of mercy and care, and through bringing hope where hope is hard to find.
What We Believe
At our congregation, we celebrate being united through God’s grace. Through Jesus Christ, we’ve become one big family, driven by love and purpose. Together, we embrace the journey of faith, sharing joy and inspiration with everyone we meet.
We are in agreement with the historical Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds,
as well as the Lousanne Covenant
The Trinity
We believe in One eternal God, existing in three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — each fully divine.
God's Creation
A world beautifully crafted by a Sovereign God, creating humans in His image for fellowship and dignity.
Humanity’s Fall
Our relationship with God was broken by disobedience, but there's hope for reconciliation.
Salvation Through Grace
Not by human effort but through God's grace, personal repentance, and faith.
Jesus Christ
Fully God and man, born of a virgin, sinless, and the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He's our link to the Father.
The Holy Spirit
Drawing us to Christ, empowering and equipping us for growth and service.
Christ’s Return
The promise of Jesus' return to fulfill history, with eternal joy for believers and judgement for those who refuse His love.

Statement of Faith
Every passage of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is inspired of God. Therefore the Bible is the authoritative guide for what to believe and how to live….
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These Scriptures teach that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — each possessing all the attributes of Deity.
The Scriptures reveal a Sovereign God who created the world out of nothing for His divine purpose. God created the first human beings in His image to have fellowship with Him, thereby conferring value and dignity on all human beings. But the first humans sinned and broke their relationship with God by disobeying Him and going their own way. As a result, we all continue to sin by disobeying God and going our own way.
Proper relationships with God can be restored by only God’s saving grace — not human effort. This grace must be received personally through repentance & faith.
Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, is fully God. He was born of a virgin and was fully man, but without sin. Jesus lived a sinless life on earth to become the perfect sacrifice for sin. He died on the cross as our substitute and rose bodily from the dead. In this way he accomplished salvation for all who receive God’s grace by trusting in Him alone – the only mediator between God the Father and us.
The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, draws sinners to Christ, empowering and equipping believers for personal growth in God’s service. As a local expression of the worldwide Church, Community Bible Church exists to worship God, to raise up devoted followers of Christ, to express God’s love in relationships of caring service, and to bring God’s salvation message to the world.
Jesus Christ will return to earth to bring history to its perfect fulfillment. Everyone will experience bodily resurrection and the judgment. Those who refuse God’s forgiveness will experience eternal separation from Him and those forgiven through Christ will enjoy eternal fellowship with God.

Statement of Faith
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Every passage of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is inspired of God. Therefore the Bible is the authoritative guide for what to believe and how to live. These Scriptures teach that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — each possessing all the attributes of Deity.
The Scriptures reveal a Sovereign God who created the world out of nothing for His divine purpose. God created the first human beings in His image to have fellowship with Him, thereby conferring value and dignity on all human beings. But the first humans sinned and broke their relationship with God by disobeying Him and going their own way. As a result, we all continue to sin by disobeying God and going our own way.
Proper relationships with God can be restored by only God’s saving grace — not human effort. This grace must be received personally through repentance & faith.
Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, is fully God. He was born of a virgin and was fully man, but without sin. Jesus lived a sinless life on earth to become the perfect sacrifice for sin. He died on the cross as our substitute and rose bodily from the dead. In this way he accomplished salvation for all who receive God’s grace by trusting in Him alone – the only mediator between God the Father and us.
The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, draws sinners to Christ, empowering and equipping believers for personal growth in God’s service. As a local expression of the worldwide Church, Community Bible Church exists to worship God, to raise up devoted followers of Christ, to express God’s love in relationships of caring service, and to bring God’s salvation message to the world.
Jesus Christ will return to earth to bring history to its perfect fulfillment. Everyone will experience bodily resurrection and the judgment. Those who refuse God’s forgiveness will experience eternal separation from Him and those forgiven through Christ will enjoy eternal fellowship with God.